When I'm speaking to the camera, who am I imagining is on the other side?
I thought about it a lot.
The first thought was,
Is it the people who follow me, or the people I want to be followed by?
Or is it one person- you know- the ideal person who I'd want to be speaking to.
Wait, but- who's that?
My student? My family member? My closest friend?
Or is it my imagined future super sweet, super good looking, super intelligent follower from a different place, who vibes with what I say and how I say it and why I say it?
The more I thought about this, the more convinced that it was someone who I haven't met- yet.
And then a weird thought came to my head:
Am I, actually talking with a different "me"? I'm just staying somewhere else, with a different body, a different face, living a different life, a different destiny.. and I'm trying to reach out to this person and connect- in a very visceral way.
I think I'm just connecting to a different me. This camera is a mirror.
Hey. How are you doing?
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