Have you had a pebble in your brain that ruined things for you? For example- when a single conversation with someone you love or care about goes wrong and it just puts shade on the rest of your day?
I had one today. Till then, my day hadn't been spectacular, but it wasn't bad. And then, that call I got disturbed my peace, and I just kept thinking about it, from all angles. It wasn't a life threatening conversation, or anything very bad, but it was more like a pebble that's gone in your shoe and you're still walking with that pebble instead of just stopping, gettting the shoe off, throwing the pebble out, and then walking again.
I think that's the problem, you see. With a pebble in a shoe, its all physical, but what if the damn pebble is in your brain? How do you shake it out? Well, I think I know the answer. For me.
It's journalling. Not what I'm sharing here, but just a conversation between me and myself. When I wrote my thoughts down, it was getting that pebble out of my brain and it just feels clean and good just to have a functioning head again. It's not as if the issue is sorted, or I'm over it or something, but with a pebble-free brain- when I can see the damn pebble outside my head, I know what to do with it a little bit better.
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