Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Joy of TikTok

I'm loving being a creator on Tiktok right now for all the wrong reasons 

So I'm from India where there is no TikTok.  Now in the UK, just got on to it, been here for a month, and I'm just loving the anonymity. 

 Unmasking myself and become as authentic a person can be in front of a camera without being obnoxious is extremely enjoyable. 

 Also, everyone who's liking what I'm saying is doing so because they like what I'm saying. 

Not who I have been, or who I am, or who I will be. 

 Getting that kind of feedback and love is an amazing feeling.

Of course, I create content for the views, likes, comments and follows. I'm hoping this state of being anonymous doesn't remain so for long. Of course I'm secretly hoping that this video is seen later on my a lot of people who call this an Origin Story. How Clark Kent was unmasked and became Superman. 

But till that happy moment, I'm loving the anonymity.