Every time I see a spark
of hope in me
I feel crushed.
I will not have this beautiful feeling
of both unease and joy
Dictate my life
only to have me reeling
At the last moment,
As clouds of doubt seeded
From both skeptic and cynic
Makes me wonder-
is this still worth it?
The startup that wasn't supported
The project that wasn't funded
The relationship that never got the right chance
The health that did a deadly dance
All seemingly bright and beautiful
at first glance?
My reluctance as an optimist
Perhaps is a silent tribute
to all those left in the mist
With A Bewildered face
and an Angry Fist
That's shaking at the world
as they get hurled.
Many of us, then,
The other garden variety of dreamers
The closet optimists
We won't get taken to the cleaners.
We believe in the goodness of a thing
As we wait for the rest of the damn world
To get the right neurons firing
But hope we won't
Dreaming we can't avoid
We accept the non acceptance
with equanimity if not poise.