Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Closet Optimist

Every time I see a spark
of hope in me
I feel crushed.

I will not have this beautiful feeling
of both unease and joy
Dictate my life
only to have me reeling
At the last moment,
As clouds of doubt seeded
From both skeptic and cynic
Makes me wonder-
is this still worth it?

The startup that wasn't supported
The project that wasn't funded
The relationship that never got the right chance
The health that did a deadly dance
All seemingly bright and beautiful
at first glance?

My reluctance as an optimist
Perhaps is a silent tribute
to all those left in the mist
With A Bewildered face
and an Angry Fist
That's shaking at the world
as they get hurled.

Many of us, then,
The other garden variety of dreamers
The closet optimists
We won't get taken to the cleaners.
We believe in the goodness of a thing
As we wait for the rest of the damn world
To get the right neurons firing

But hope we won't
Dreaming we can't avoid
We accept the non acceptance

with equanimity if not poise.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Poem for poets who wrote a poem on #poetryday

Good lord,
We have a poetry day too
And if my dog made some poo..

We'll toast that moment hard
I'm sure you have a clue
where I'm going with this?
I'd give this day a miss
( with apologies to all
who wrote good stuff today:
this is still a diss)

Relax, sir. Relax, Ma'am.
Just a meaningless rant
on the strange creation
of super meaningful days
that could wither away with
a deep gaze
At them, but still

We simply need the memes
Need that gate-pass
Need that permission slip
Can't celebrate life
without themes.

And here I am,
as I contribute to the banal
As if I'd rather have a root canal
(now that's trite, but just out of spite)
Smirking from my pulpit
at the monkey tribe below
not knowing
that the tribe below
is the schizophrenic version
of my own reflection.
Happy Poetry day, then, everyone.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


What's your Story
today, as you stir
What'll make you blur
the bad tidings
Face the music
of another day?

Better make your tale
strong and true
Lord of your manor, are you
or the hapless victim
of a crime
Playing a bit role
An Extra
in your own life?

Whatever it is
sure your story has layers untold
And plays out in technicolor
(well, at least in silver and gold)
Oh wait. I forgot. Today,
you got up on the wrong side
and found no story
that kicked in

Fear crawled up your skin
Without that soothing balm
without that justification
How will you ever
take any action?

With nothing at all in your damn head
you climb down the stairs
You look at others in despair
You find no real people
just ghosts with stories
with their angst and their glories

Just walking around, doing this and that
But when you talk to them
it comes out pat
My life. My relationship.
My money. My bad hip.
So interesting, so tiresome
for sure there's no outcome
For a person without a story
is a story without a person

Friday, March 8, 2019


Ive outsourced
my heart, my mind, my memory,
my life
I'm in too deep
my smartphone's
got me by the jewels

I've outsourced
my past, my future
my present's sutured
up by a distant cloud
apparently there's an app for this
and there's an app for every that.

I've outsourced
my skill, my motivation,
my drive
I'm a happy little piggy
on Netflix and Prime

I've outsourced
every possible way I exist
and yet I do?
Must be something like love
that I can't outdo.

Maybe there's reluctant Hope
that I can't outsource too
And maybe Dreams
although getting someone to work
on my plans will do

Perhaps all the outsourcing
Finally helps me and you
Find a moment that's true
and use currency that's real
About time too?

Friday, March 1, 2019


To err is to sin
And to sin is to miss the mark.
Mark these words:
Easy to say
Tough to live by.

For any Errorist.
He'll give it his best
Whatever cause he's fighting for
(and mostly it's a him. Give it a rest)
Guess the Errorist must realise
that it's a short life
and a long knife
won't give it any more meaning.

Not stunning as a realisation
People are saying these things
on every TV station.
Me, with no skin in this game
You, I don't know how much flesh
We've both not given much
to any cause we celebrate

Perhaps the Errorist
missed his mark
Ironically, when he ensured that
he nailed his target and made it flat
He made people like us angry
confused, out of their comfort zone
We looked for meaning and found none

Embittered, but without teeth,
We snap and growl with every sound byte
We give pompous advice
and sound real nice
when we make wise statements
about strategy and choice

it will be the Kardashians.

And we'll be the Errorists.