Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Workout

Dawn- hustle, bustle, begin the tussle
Sleep deprived; not worth the hassle?
Au Contraire.

Every effort at the local gym
makes my heart ready and my body limp
with fatigue. Good fatigue,
one might say
( though this is not really going the six pack way)

Fatigue that puts air conditioning in my head
for the day's heat ahead
Drowning out anguish,
kicking anxiety's butt
Slapping self pity's creep
Letting me breathe

Breathe in, go slow
Breathe out, there's the effort
Sometimes, it doesn't hurt as much
sometimes, a bit too much
Doesn't matter
Its not the body I'm healing
It's all in the head

Hustle, bustle, begin the tussle
here we go again
The secret I'm beginning to get:

The pain's really the gain.

Saturday, February 23, 2019



It was a meek, milky
blue sky
calling out
to say hi.

Hmm. So so long,
its been
that I saw a streak of white
race across my sight

It was passing jet fuel
posing as cloud
Look at me,
it screamed aloud

I'm going, I'm going
and you ain't with me
I figured that
It must've been some big journey
that a past self had been on
Well, the jet's gone and so has that man.


Thought to myself
If it was a Jet
and I didn't see it
Maybe the sky was better
without it?

Sour Grapes always taste better
when they aren't w(h)ine.
Jets without traces
Leave no trace of crime


The thought moved me and my day
along with it
till it became quiet night
I looked up for my next no- surprise.

(The city's bright glow
tends to overflow
and filters out factors
like stars and other non-actors)


Dust settled,the stars came on
with feeble might
wasn't even a fight
with attractive streets
and other pretty sights

But memory took over
and maybe closer
to things still sore.
Of course, it felt much more
As i replaced the sky I was seeing
With the sky I'd seen before

Mesmerised, I wondered
If this is what it is to be sober
Then I'd go beyond October(!)
and look at newer things
with older eyes
and older things
with younger guise.
to be (hopefully) continued...